Decoration of Fidelity was created by a royal decree of King Louis XVIII, February 5, 1816 lys decoration replaced the previously assigned in favor of the National Guard of Paris.
She was not, strictly speaking, a new decoration, but a specific version of the decoration of Lys.
In Article 5, explained the order of 5 February 1816 "To reward a special way those of our faithful subjects in the National Guard, have shown the greatest zeal for the service, or if evidence of a significant dedication, we reserve us the right, the right to grant, the decoration in gold on demand we have of our beloved brother (the Comte d'Artois), and the proposal of the Commander in Chief to be done to protect (Marshal Oudinot), but no one can without get worn for a year, at least the new silver jewelry. "
It seems that this decoration Fidelity gold was very little is forgiven.
Decoration of Fidelity in the image was rotated and decoration of Lys, often called the Order of the Fidélité.Pourtant, it is clear that make mention all the official documents
"Decoration" and not "College".
There was no grand master nor specific firm, despite that even today there are many books and catalogs, in decorations that calls specialize "Order of Fidelity."
It owes its name to the monarchists who wanted to the prestige of the award, which was delivered to the following oath: "I swear to God, loyalty and devotion to the king, I swear to defend his rights and his legitimate successor to the crown and at the moment all show that came to my knowledge, contrary to the safety of the royal family and the rest of the state. "
The decor was of an excellent delivery brevetsur parchment, 40 x 50 mm, signed by Charles-Philippe, comte d'Artois, Marshal Oudinot, commander of the National Guard of Paris, Duke of Clermont-Tonnerre accompanied, Chairman of the patents and awards, and finally DEURBRONNE, Board Secretary. This patent was usually given to each holder during a parade his legion, but sometimes not sent in the case of the guards in the National Guard of Paris.
Under Louis-Philippe, the Order of 10 February 1831 to formalize the disappearance of the decoration Fidelity.