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The Medal For the Restoration of the Donbass Coal Mines

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1 pieces
180,00 EUR
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The Medal For the Restoration of the Donbass Coal Mines
Number of awards: 46.350
manufactured: 14.933.000

Product Code:


Number range:

Constitutor: Soviet Central Executive Committee
Foundation date: 10.9.1947
Year award: 1947
Fabricator: Münzenhof USSR (Dubasov Ivan)
Origin / Provenance:
Material: Bronze      
Weight in (g).
Size in (mm). 32
Condition: II

The Medal "For the Restoration of the Donbass Coal Mines" (Russian: Медаль «За восстановление угольных шахт Донбасса») was a civilian state award of the Soviet Union established on September 10, 1947 by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR to recognise personal achievements by participants in the recovery of the coal mines of the Donets Basin. The medal's statute was amended on July 18, 1980 by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR № 2523-X.

The Medal "For the Restoration of the Donbass Coal Mines" was a 32 mm in diameter circular brass medal. On its obverse, in the left half, the relief image of a restored mine, a flag waving atop the tower; on the right side, the relief image of a helmeted miner facing left carrying a jack hammer on his right shoulder; in the background at center, the Sun with rays going all the way to the top of the medal; along the upper circumference, the relief inscription "For the Restoration of the Donbass Coal Mines" (Russian: «За восстановление угольных шахт Донбасса»); along the lower circumference, the relief image of a five pointed star over a laurel wreath. On the reverse, the relief image of the hammer and sickle over the inscription on two lines in prominent letters "LABOUR IN THE USSR - A MATTER OF HONOUR" (Russian: «ТРУД В СССР — ДЕЛО ЧЕСТИ»).

The Medal "For the Restoration of the Donbass Coal Mines" was secured by a ring through the medal suspension loop to a standard Soviet pentagonal mount covered by an overlapping 24 mm silk moiré ribbon with 0,5 mm black edge stripes and three 5 mm wide gold stripes separated by two 4 mm wide black stripes.

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