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The medal For valorous work in Great Patriotic War of 1941-45 (Var-3)

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1 pieces
25,00 EUR
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The medal For valorous work in Great Patriotic War of 1941-45 (Var-3)
Number of awards: 16.096.750
manufactured: 14.933.000

Product Code:


Number range:

Constitutor: Soviet Central Executive Committee
Foundation date: 6.6.1945
Year award: 1945-46
Fabricator: Münzenhof USSR (Romanov E.M. Andrianov I.K.)
Origin / Provenance:
Material: copper        
Weight in (g).
Size in (mm). 32
Condition: II

The medal "For valorous work in Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" (Russian Медаль «За доблестный труд в Великой Отечественной войне 1941-1945 гг.") Was a state and military award of the USSR, which on 6 June 1945 was donated in one stage. Medals were awarded a total of 16,096,750
The 32 mm by measuring medal is made of copper and on their obverse shows the left-looking portraits of Stalin. This is the inscription: Наше дело правое - мы победили (Our cause is just - We won) enclosed. The reverse of the coin, however, shows that complete inscription: За доблестный труд в Великой / Отечественной / войне / 1941-1945 (For valorous work in Great Patriotic War 1941-1945), and the words За доблестный труд (For valorous work) act as transcription. The medal was worn on the left side of the upper chest Beliehenen at a red pentagonal clasp with two millimeter wide yellow border as well as a seven-millimeter vertical green center stripe

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