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The medal 50 Years of the USSR Armed Forces

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The medal 50 Years of the USSR Armed Forces
TThe medal 30 years of Soviet Army and Navyhe jubilee medal "XX years of Workers and Peasants Red Army
Number of awards: 9.527.270
manufactured:  9.527.270

Product Code:


Number range:

Constitutor: Soviet Central Executive Committee
Foundation date: 26.1.1967
Year award: 1967
Fabricator: Münzenhof USSR (Djuk A.B)
Origin / Provenance:
Material: bras  
Weight in (g). 14.5
Size in (mm). 37
Condition: II

The medal "50 Years of the USSR Armed Forces" (Russian Юбилейная медаль "50 лет Вооружённых Сил СССР") was an award of the Soviet Union, which at 29 December 1967 on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the Soviet armed forces was donated in one stage. The award was presented to all military ranks of the army and of military personnel retired. Likewise, the medal also received members of the Ministry of Public Next order and security of the USSR and Red Guards.
The 37 mm measured by gold-plated brass medal shows on its obverse a red Soviet star in the inset medallion measuring 19mm by the heads of two Rotarmisen are seen. The back symbolizes the beginning of time and the front of 1968. Left and right of the two heads, the annual numbers of the Red Army from 1918 to 1968 are to be read. The Red Star is based here in front of a jet formations and is enclosed by two crossed curved bottom upwards laurel branches. The reverse of the coin shows a five-pointed star with rounded summits, where the symbol of a hammer and a plow are embedded. Including the three-line inscription: Пятьдесят Лет / Вооруженных сил / CCCP to read (Fifty Years Armed Forces of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics). The medal was worn on the left breast side of the Beliehenen on a pentagonal blue clip in the middle of a white-red-white-red-white center stripe is woven. The interim clip is of the same nature. It 9.52727 million medals were awarded.

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