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Life Saving Medals 1872. 2. Classe Gold. Typ VIIIa

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Life Saving Medals 1872. 2. Classe Gold. Typ VIIIa
Number of awards: RRR
manufactured: -

Product Code:



2. Classe Gold. Typ VIIIa

Foundation date: 1813 (2.3.1820)
Year award: 1889
Fabricator: BARRE
Origin / Provenance: -
Material: Gold
Weight in (g). 15,5
Size in (mm). 28
Condition: II
From the reign of King Louis XIV, Louis XVI and medals rescue, were not portable, excellent. But the formal establishment of a coin or medal Beautiful bailouts, dates from the reign of King Louis XVIII, by a royal decree of March 2, 1820, the Minister of the Navy, the award of medals approved unsustainable, Silver or Gold Module 50 mm. Of 1831, the medal is worn with tricolor ribbon and January 31, 1833 entitled to award a ministerial Circular of the Ministry of the Interior, a medal to reward the courage and commitment of those who risked their lives, others have saved.

 Originally only the silver medal, then we have a gold medal. By the Ministerial Conference of 15 July 1843, the Ministry of the Interior has two classes for two medals above, then (Decree of 3 June) published bronze medal in 1899. Later, the plane will replace Vermeil Gold Medal 2nd class.

 From the decree of 6 July 1887 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Honour for acts of courage and commitment in the protected areas, colonies and abroad was awarded done.
 Rescue Medal is. By the Decree of 16 November 1901 the name of the Medal for Acts of Courage and Devotion

 The Decree of 26 January 1906 extended to Algeria awarding the medal by the President of the Republic on the proposal of the Minister of the Interior and the Governor General of Algeria could be forgiven. The medal ribbon was then a staple consisting of a star rests on a crescent of Islam.
 Today, the Ministry of the Interior may grant:

   - A letter of congratulations, in principle, is a first rescue;

   - Honorable Mention for actions already recognized meritorious;

   - Bronze Medal;

   - Silver Medal 2nd class;

   - The Silver Medal 1st Class;

   - Vermeil Medal;

   - The Gold Medal.

 Bronze medal will be awarded to the extent that the savior actually risked his life, or if, having run less risk, it is already the holder of a letter of congratulations and an honorable mention.
 The silver medal is awarded only to holders of the bronze medal, which again showed courage and selflessness.
 Vermeil medal is awarded with great reluctance, for acts of great bravery and the holders of at least two silver medals.
 The gold medal is for people who have purchased several times, exceptional merit, given its citizens.
 These prizes can be in the form in which they were received, if such debasement be withdrawn by criminal convictions or corrections.

 The powers that took place the Minister of the Interior in the allocation of awards for acts of courage and commitment, were part of the measures of administrative devolution vested prefect, in accordance with the Regulation of 17 March 1970th
 Applications and proposals are therefore to the prefect of the department where the act was done to reward.
 As for the Medal of Honor for acts of devotion and facts rescue and contrary to the general rule, to obtain a higher level does not rule out wearing medals so far lesser extent. This may explain the large number of these decorations worn by some workers, especially for firefighters.
 The assignment of these medals is sanctioned by the award of a diploma.

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